The Suzuki Method
The Suzuki Method is a music education approach developed by the great Japanese humanitarian and educator Dr Shinichi Suzuki (1899-1999).
Suzuki Method is a way of learning music based on the way all children learn to speak, which is listening, repeating, imitating, practising and remembering words. This universal, no-fail educational approach is applied with great success to the learning of music.
Just as ALL children learn to speak in a language-rich environment Suzuki Method believes that a music-rich environment develops musical enjoyment and ability in ALL children. Musical talent is not inborn – it is created with the devoted assistance and encouragement of the child’s parents and teachers.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to nurture happy and successful future world citizens through music, using the guiding principles of the Suzuki Philosophy and Pedagogy.
Our Vision
Suzuki Music SA aims to create and develop a nuturing, vibrant, active and creative community of teachers, students and families for the study and performance of music in accord with the Suzuki Philosophy and Pedagogy. Through the study and performance of music, we seek to enrich student’s lives, enhancing their family relationships, encouraging them to strive for excellence in all areas of life.
Finding a qualified Suzuki Teacher
Our Upcoming Events & Activities
Sunday 23rd March |
Studio Spectacular Rehearsal |
Sunday 23rd March | All Comer’s Piano Concerts |
Sunday 6th April | Suzuki Spectacular Concert |
Sunday 25th May | Graduation Concerts |