When: Sunday afternoon,

Time: Several concerts in the afternoon after 1pm. See the emailed concert program to find out which concert your student is in (available at least a week before the concert).

Where: Concordia College Chapel

Entry: Enter the Chapel via the Balmoral Street carpark. Parking is available in the carpark or in surrounding streets. Here is a map – College Campus Map – chapel sign in

Dress for performers: Very dressy. This is a special celebration.  No sneakers, jeans, leggings, hoodies etc.

Audience member cost: No payment or tickets required. Bring your friends and family!

Program: A program will be emailed to graduating students’ families in the week before the concert. Each student, teacher and accompanist will receive one professionally printed, glossy program. Please feel free to print any extra copies you need for friends and family

Notes: If you student is in concert 2 onwards, please wait quietly in the foyer for the previous concert to finish, as sound from the foyer travels easily into the concert room.  Also, please respect the venue owners by leaving the building and carpark promptly at the conclusion of the final concert.